Cyber Liability Insurance
Over 70% of American companies endanger their financial stability by not having insurance that will cover Internet liability, according to the FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey (2009). The fact is almost all companies have some kind of network, database or online presence that puts it at risk for litigation.
The following are some common scenarios for which you can be held liable and that are typically not covered under traditional business insurance policies:
A lost or stolen company laptop results in theft of customer data.
You fail to follow federal or state regulations involving notification of customers whose personal data has been compromised.
You unknowingly pass along a virus or other type of malware to your clients.
Your employee slanders another company in a blog or social media site, or posts content on the company website that infringes on copyrighted material.
Ideal Insurance Agency can help you conduct a cyber risk assessment to identify your company’s risk profile so you can take appropriate actions to reduce those risks. We can also work with you to determine if cyber liability insurance is an appropriate option.
We will then tailor cyber liability insurance to meet your specific needs, be it network security, technology errors & omissions, or media and intellectual property protection. Coverage is affordable and available to both large and small businesses. You can estimate the cost of recovering from your data breach by using our data breach cost calculator.
Like it or not, the Internet with all its risks and rewards is here to stay. Make sure that you are navigating this new terrain safely.

Why Ideal Insurance Agency
- Tailored coverage - We specialize in businesses like yours and tailor coverage to the risks in your field
- Passion for service: Knowledgeable, exceptional service
- Great value: Tailored coverage starts from just $22.50/mo.
- Fast and simple: Online quotes or speak to a licensed agent – immediate coverage.
- Confidence: Ideal Insurance Agency Inc. local experienced agency
General Liability $350
Minimum Premium starting at $350 a year in many states. Many Billing programs available depending on program including monthly, quarterly and semi-annually.
Workers Compensation $270
Minimum Premium starting at $270 a year in many states. Many Billing programs available depending on program including monthly, quarterly and semi-annually.
Property $250
Minimum Premium starting at $250 a year in many states. Many Billing programs available depending on program including monthly, quarterly and semi-annually.
Commercial Auto $500
Minimum Premium starting at $500 a year in many states. Many Billing programs available depending on program including monthly, quarterly and semi-annually.
Bond $50
Minimum Premium starting at $50 a year in many states. Many Billing programs available depending on program including monthly, quarterly and semi-annually.
Contact Us
Chris Bridenstine : 952-479-0047
email: [email protected]
Toll free: 855-479-0047
Fax: 952-314-1460
Office Hours:
Mon: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tues: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wed: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thurs:8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Fri: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat: By Appointment
Sun: Closed
Providing insurance to business owners and individuals for over 20 years
Policies Available
Tailored insurance policies
- Liability Insurance Overview
- General Liability Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Errors and Omissions Insurance
- Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)
- Commercial Auto Insurance
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- Home Based Insurance Policies
- Need Coverage for a Client Contract?
- Need to Update Your Policy?
When Can Coverage Start
Get covered today. It’s easy as 1-2-3!
Many of our programs have same day coverage availability.
How To Start Coverage
Getting coverage in place accurately and with the correct coverage is important.
The following is a great way to get it done.
- Contact Us
- Complete Questionnaire - Online, email, or by phone
- Get Underwriting Approval - We will submit the information for you
- Pay down payment - We take Credit Card, Check, Pay over phone (some have installments)
- Policy is issued
- Proof of Insurance is Sent
Coverage Available
We have tons of programs and different types of coverage to fill gaps and protect most all of your insurance needs.
- Building Insurance
- Contents Insurance
- Flood Insurance
- Premises Liability
- Product Liability
- Business Income
- Liability up to 10 Million
- Liquor Legal Liability
- Automobile
- Bonds & Surety
- Special Events
- Employment Practices Liability
- Workers Compensation
Program Highlights
Our carriers and programs have tons of excellent options and unique details.
- No Health Hazard Exclusion
- Low Minimum Premiums
- Worldwide General Liability
- Worldwide Product Liability
- Stock/Inventory or Business Personal Property
Business Types
Many types of business can fit in our programs. Just a few include
- Start Ups
- New Ventures
Business Insurance
Your Insurance Breakdown
We have programs that can package coverage that will broaden and increase coverage where your business need it most. Our goal is to provide more for the insurance dollar than any of our competitors.
We provide many options and the ability with one call, email or letter have our agency research and service your business for years to come.
Tailored coverage – We specialize in businesses like yours and tailor coverage to the risks in your field
Passion for service: Knowledgeable, exceptional service
Great Value: Tailored coverage starts from just $22.50/month
Fast and Simple: Online quotes or speak to a licensed agent – immediate coverage
Confidence: Ideal Insurance Agency local experienced agency
General Liability ………….- Minimum Annual Premium $350
Workers Compensation – Minimum Annual Premium $270
Property …………………….- Minimum Annual Premium $250
Commercial Auto ………. – Minimum Annual Premium $500
Bond …………………………..- Minimum Annual Premium $350
Liability Insurance Overview
General Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Errors and Omissions Insurance
Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)
Commercial Auto Insurance
Workers Compensation Insurance
Home Based Business Insurance Policies
Coverage for Client Contract
Update your Policy
Get Covered. It’s easy as 1-2-3
Many of our programs have same day coverage availability
How to Start
Contact Us
Complete Questionnaire
Get Underwriting Approval
Pay Down Payment
Policy is Issued
Proof of Insurance is Sent
Building Insurance
Contents Insurance
Flood Insurance
Premises Liability
Product Liability
Business Income
Liability up to 10 Million
Liquor Legal Liability
Bonds and Surety
Special Events
Employment Practices Liability
Workers Compensation
Low Minimum Premiums
Worldwide General Liability
Worldwide Product Liability
Stock/Inventory or /Business Personal Property
Start Ups
New Ventures
Insurance Programs Availability
Program Access
- Green - Full
- Yellow - Limited
- Grey - No Access