Valuable Articles
Whether it’s jewelry, art, collectibles, antiques or memorabilia, building your valuable collection can be an exciting and rewarding experience.
A standard homeowner policy may not provide enough protection for your treasured possessions. An Ideal Insurance Agency specialist will discuss smart options and deliver a custom solution for any collection.
Most people don’t realize that their homeowner’s insurance policy provides limited coverage for jewelry, typically just a few thousand dollars, once you’ve met your deductible. Some other important factors to consider are:
Standard policies cover losses caused by theft, fire and storms, but if you lose your engagement ring, most standard policies won’t cover the loss.
Reappraise your jewelry every 2 – 4 years to ensure its fair market value is reflected if and when you need to file a claim.
The value of gold and other precious metals has near quintupled since September 2000. Even if your jewelry is covered, the pieces you have may be undervalued.
An Ideal Insurance Agency Personal Insurance Specialist can help find the right coverage option for you based on your needs, whether it is itemized or blanket coverage.
Art & Collectibles
Whether it is the result of a lifelong passion or a new hobby, the art, antiques, fine wine or any other valuable you collect deserve the right insurance protection.
The chances are your homeowner’s policy isn’t enough to replace your valuable collection if it is lost, stolen or damaged. Protect your investment in the things you cherish most by contacting Ideal Insurance Agency to obtain the right coverage for your needs. For more information on insuring valued collections.

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Main office: 952-314-1460
Toll free: 855-479-0047
Fax: 952-314-1460
Office Hours:
Mon: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tues: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wed: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thurs:8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Fri: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat: By Appointment
Sun: Closed